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We're Growing and Expanding Our Coverage!

Updated: Jan 6

I am delighted to share some exciting news with you. Our firm has expanded its team of experts, and I am thrilled to announce that we have been joined by Daiman Baker, Rajeshri Rajani, Rupi Johal-Christophers, and Vineeta Manchanda and Zoe Keen.

Daiman has deep experience in compliance advisory and regulatory change. Whilst maintaining specialist interests in the regulation of digital assets and in the Consumer Duty, including as board champion.

Rajeshri's expertise lies in fraud prevention and detection having worked with the FCA and SFO on highly complex criminal cases. As an associate member of the Academy of Experts Raj provides expert reports on fraud related matters.

Rupi specialises in developing KYC efficiencies, leading transformation initiatives and designing and implementing monitoring and detection systems.

Vineeta has specialist knowledge about ESG reporting obligations. Vineeta also chairs risk and audit committees.

Zoe is an highly experienced investment banking compliance officer. Bringing a specialist interest in ESG and Sustainable Finance.

Each has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for clients in a range of industries and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our firm.

We are excited to have Daiman, Rajeshri, Rupi, Vineeta, and Zoe join us and are confident that they will make valuable contributions to, and deliver outstanding results for, our clients.


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